
Here you’ll find a selection of films shot throughout the year, exploring the local area.


Film 003

The Divide

It was so cool to have the pleasure of hosting some amazing guests recently at Carsaig.
They’d cycled down from Inverness on The Badger Divide route and made a film and photoshoot for Castelli Cycling along the way.
Filmed by friends of ours they have really captured the sense of adventure, camaraderie and stunning Scottish scenery in the film.

Our house, Carsaig even made it the the final cut and many of our local trails were used in the film.
We loved hosting the gang and it was made even more special with an amazing Scottish menu prepared by our neighbours Venachar Lochside and a fridge full of cold beers when they arrived.

Let us know if you can spot any of the locations they used.

Running time: 10:38

Film 002


We have arguably the best adventure playground on our doorstep. Here’s a small glimpse of what’s on offer.

Running time: 00:22

Film 001

Loch Venachar Lodges promo 2022

Pour yourself a cuppa, sit back, relax and drift into our world.

Running time: 01:36